請(Please) 謝謝妳(Thank You.) 原諒我( Excuse Me. ) 對不起(I am Sorry.) 妳好嗎?(How Are You Doing?) 祝妳玩得愉快(Have A Good Time!) 那真太好了(That Is Really Nice.) 讓我們輪流(Let's Take Turns.) 我會與妳分享(I'll Share With You.) 來,跟我們一起坐(Come And Sit With Us.) 我能幫妳嗎?(Can I Help You With That?) 來跟我們一起玩(Come And Play With Us.) 妳是個好朋友(You Are A Good Friend.) 現在輪到妳了(It's Your Turn Now.) 妳那方面真棒(You Are Very Good At That.) 我喜歡妳的點子(I Like Your Idea.) 我可以體會妳的感覺(I Understand How Yon Feel.) 我們總給妳留個位子(There Is Always Room For you.) 我現在就給妳看(I'll Show You Now.) 祝妳好運(Good Luck.)