

    立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)
    雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)
    驚蟄 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)
    春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)
    清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)
    穀雨 Grain Rain (6th solar term)
    立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)
    小滿 Grain Full (8th solar term)
    芒種 Grain in Ear (9th solar term)
    夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)
    小暑 Slight Heat (11th solar term)
    大暑 Great Heat (12th solar term)
    立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)
    處暑 the Limit of Heat (14th solar term)
    白露 White Dew (15th solar term)
    秋分 the Autumnal Equinox (16th solar term)
    寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)
    霜降 Frosts descent (18th solar term)
    立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)
    小雪 Slight Snow (20th solar term)
    大雪 Great Snow (21st solar term)
    冬至 the Winter Solstice (22nd solar term)
    小寒 Slight Cold (23rd solar term)
    大寒 Great Cold (24th solar term)




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 1. L_RSI高於80時, 設立一個旗號, 當開始往下低於80後, 而且ADX也是往下時, 可以SELL?! 2. 當兩條均線交叉後, 但並沒有啟動策略後, 開始計算要多久可以同向的進倉?!