

The EDK II project is the response to the EFI community's request for a better build and version tracking environment for UEFI and PI development. The main difference between the EDK II to the original EDK is the Enhanced Build Environment of the EDK II. The advantages of the Enhanced Build Environment include:

XML based build definition tools
Operating System independence
Flexibility in choosing the compiler and assembler tools
The ability to generate working code using open source build tools and applications
Enhanced development and build capability of modules and module packages
Use of build configuration tools and data sets to provide flexible process
Online source control allows users to contribute code and become participants\
The EDK II enhanced build environment is a significant departure from the build environment of the original EDK. There are many new concepts and features in the EDK II, which have altered the environment. If you are familiar with the original EDK these changes will be obvious, while the benefits of them will be apparent to everyone.

It is important to note, that the compiled results of the EDK II are equivalent to the original EDK, the changes are in the build environment and only affect the sources at that level. In other words, any differences in the code files are only to support the changes in the build environment, once the modules are created, they are functionally identical.

In point of fact, the EDK II is classified at a development level project and the EDK is an official level project. The EDK is still intended to be used for volume production and shipments while the EDK II is being further refined through additional development. As the EDK II project matures and the active participation of the EFI open source community members expand the project's scope (features, functionality, and support) the EDK II project will grow into an official level project.




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avi格式的電影常常需要搭配srt格式的檔案來顯示字幕,最常見的字幕有英文、簡體中文及繁體中文的格式,不過偶爾會發現出現的字幕是看不懂的文字。若不是翻譯品質的問題,別急著把字幕砍掉,透過幾個小步驟即可轉換為能夠正確顯示的字幕。 1. 打開Word2007,點選"開啟舊檔",將右下角的下拉選單選擇"所有檔案",即可看到.srt檔案。 2. 點選開啟之後,會出現一個選取文字編碼的對話框,選擇"其它編碼方式"中的" 簡體中文GB2312 "語系,預覽框即會出現正確的簡體文字。 3. 選擇工具列上的"校閱">"簡轉繁"功能,將簡體中文轉換為繁體中文。 4. 按Ctrl+A全選、再按Ctrl+C複製所有內容;關閉Word且不要存檔。此時會出現對話框詢問是否要保留複製的文字,按下"是"後離開Word。 5.將剛才的.srt檔案用記事本開啟,將所有的內容文字刪除,再按Ctrl+V將剛剛複製的內容貼上,覆蓋,存檔並關閉就OK了。 另一個快速將亂碼改為簡體中文的方法: 1. 將srt檔案用IE開啟 2. 開啟出來的畫面顯示出來的也是亂碼,接著按右鍵選擇"編碼",選取"簡體中文(GB2312)"的選項,會出現正確的簡體文字。 3.將網頁上的文字複製下來,再用記事本開啟.srt檔案,將原有的亂碼內容刪掉、並貼上剛剛複製的文字,存檔關閉,若有出現對話框,存檔類型選擇"所有檔案",編碼改為"Unicode",按下儲存就完成囉!