
Effortless English Rule 1

Effortless English Rule 1

Always Study and Review Phrases
Hi, I’m AJ Hoge, and welcome to the first secret or the firrst rule for Excellent English Speaking. Now, this whole video course is going to teach you a very, very different way of learning English and, if you follow every one of these secrets or rules, I promise you, your English speaking will improve tremendously, alot. You will make big improvements. I also promise you, you will enjoy learning English better. You’ll enjoy speaking it more. What is secret number one?





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 1. L_RSI高於80時, 設立一個旗號, 當開始往下低於80後, 而且ADX也是往下時, 可以SELL?! 2. 當兩條均線交叉後, 但並沒有啟動策略後, 開始計算要多久可以同向的進倉?!